Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Temple of Elemental Evil Session 1

Chris - Oeridian Druid, Merc from Furyondy
Marshmallow - Warforged Paladin of St. Cuthbeth, Protector of Gran March
Peep Marsh - Oeridian Rogue, Spy for the Gran March
Sknott - Half-Orc Fighter, Blacksmith that is working in Hommlet
Who Hootsalot = Sylvan Druid, Guide from the Gran March
Heyiamnot - Dwarf Mage, Former Priest

Sknott Started off in the village of Hommlet.  He was the apprentice blacksmith for in town and was making 1gp a week in wages.  Heyiamnot was also in town, called here by the unknown horrors that were appearing in the countryside.  He got to the town before his wife but she should be joining them soon.

Peep, Chris, Marshmallow, and Who met with the Viscount of Verbobonc.  He told them of the Bandit attack on the roads near Verbobonc and on the way to Hommlet.  He requested that the adventures head to Hommlet and clear the roads of bandits so that the road are safe for merchants again (Verbobonc was suffering from a lack of goods from the south).  This group joined a caravan and headed to Hommlet

On the way to Hommlet the group was ambushed by 5 bandits as they were setting up for rest.  They were able to quickly defeat the bandits but took a few bumps and bruises.  The party made it to Hommlet and ran into the others.  They all headed to the Druid Grove and learned that creatures were attacking people in the countryside.  Also bandits were starting to assault the village which is why a small castle was being built to protect the village.  The Druid offered to create some books for them of the local plants and trees so they could harvest some spell components and such.  He also directed them to the mayor of the town to find out where the bandits were.

At the mayor's house they learned that bandits were attacking from the east and that the mayor would pay 10 gp per bandit killed up to 200 gp each character (so that was 1200gp max or 120 bandits).  The group headed to where the castle was being built and talk to Burne and Rufus.  They told them about a moathouse to the east that use to be a location for the Bandits,  they might be there again.  The group headed to the moathouse on foot and taking their time.  By the time they got to the moathouse it was starting to get dark and they quickly scouted the area not noticing any activity.  They found a break in the wall and tried to ford across the river to get to the other side.  Everyone but Heyiamnot and Chris made it across.  Chris was swept downriver but Heyiamnot, after being buffeted against the shore was able to make it to the rest of the group.

Chris took some more damage as he was slammed against the moathouse walls and finally found some solid footing to stop himself from being swept away.  Chris quickly got up and headed into a round tower that had a hole in it.  As he started in he quickly saw a huge spider and tossed some flaming acorns at it scoring twice.  This burnt up the spider's web and caused it to fall to the ground.  The spider quickly webbed Chris and got close to start attacking him next turn.

The rest of the party heard the noise and headed toward the tower.  Heyiamnot and Sknott quickly made it to the Tower while the others lagged behind.  Heyiamnot And Sknott Burst in to the tower to see the spider attacking Chris and after a javelin from Sknott And some powerful attacks from Heyiamnot And Chris the spider was no more.  The party was able to find some money and a large box that they kept.  The party then moved around the moathouse looking for anything.

Chris and Who found some footprints and were able to track them into a dark room.  Peep lit a torch and proceeded to search the room.  They found 2 passages and a narrow passage that they could hear the sound of rats coming from it.  They also found a large locked door.  Peep quickly picked the lock and Chris opened the door…

The room was full of bandits that were trying to gather up their things.  They quickly attacked and started hitting the group.  Marshmallow charged into the room and was surprised by 3 hidden attackers.  One of the critically hit Marshmallow and the others hit her hard taking her down to 1 hit point.  The group headed in and started taking out targets left and right but still with enough attacks the party started to fall.  First Chris fell and was healed by Marshmallow.  Marshmallow then fell and Heyiamnot took her spot on the front line.  Chris fell again (1 point away from death) and Heyiamnot right behind him.  Peep Then was taken down but Chris was healed back again.  The group finally defeated the enemy even though they were down to 1-3 HP left on the last 3 pcs.  After a short rest to bandage and let the others wake up the group started to search the room.  Peep found a chest while the others searched the corpses and collected the money from them.  Everyone split the treasure and the group barred the door to rest for the night.  Peep, Chris, and Who found a secret door hidden in the wall.  They set up people on watch and headed for a much needed rest.

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