Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Temple of Elemental Evil Session 2

Chris - Oeridian Druid, Merc from Furyondy
Marshmallow - Warforged Paladin of St. Cuthbeth, Protector of Gran March
Peep Marsh - Oeridian Rogue, Spy for the Gran March
Sknott - Half-Orc Fighter, Blacksmith that is working in Hommlet
Who Hootsalot = Sylvan Druid, Guide from the Gran March
Heyiamnot - Dwarf Mage, Former Priest
Kurana - Dragonborn Cleric
LBX-228 - Follower for Chris, Warforged.  It will not fight or anything but it will protect the horse and cart.

It was a long night with Marshmallow, and Who hearing some voices and people trying to get into the Square tower on the North East.  After a while thing quieted down and the rest of the group woke up.  While eating a breakfast of salted meats, dry bread and water the group saw a Dragonborn and a Warforged enter the area.  The Warforged was the protector of Chris and the Dragonborn, named Kurana, followed the Warforged to the moathouse and wanted to work with them to clean up the area.

The most party took some time searching the upper floors while Chris, with the help of Peep, unlocked the secret door and headed downstairs.  The stairs ended in a small chamber that did not seem to have seen much traffic.  Chris and Who searched the room while the rest of the group went to check out the area where they heard sounds like rats.  Heyiamnot, Kurana, and Sknott were investigating the area while Marshmallow, and Peep checked out some of the rooms.

Peep and her group found a Trophy Room with a few mangy pelts and a bedroom for the major domo of the moathouse.  In the bedroom they found a silver baton of unknown worth.  Chris and Who did not find anything in the secret room but could hear snoring coming from the West.  Sknott and his group found a set of stairs heading up but the 2nd floor had collapsed so no way to get up there.  They headed to the other location and found some stairs leading down.  This is where they disturbed a nest of giant rats that attacked them (13 in all).  The rest of the group headed back to help and after a long fight in tight conditions they were able to kill off all the rats and only suffer minor damage (except Heyiamnot who was taken down and failed 1 death save) (NOTE: Death Saves do not reset until a long rest).  Sknott found a gold ring and Kurana found enough oil to fill 10 flasks.

Peep headed downstairs with Chris, Who, Marshmallow, and Kurana to search the secret room.  Under all the eyes they found 2 secret doors (one to the West and one to the East).  Peep unlocked the Secret door to the West and Chris headed in (holding a torch for light).

The light illumanted the room and showed a chest in the room along with a pile of clothing that was being used as a bed.  On the "bed" was an Ogre, which was awake thanks to the light.  The Ogre talked to Chris and tried to get closer to him.  Chris kept backing up until he was back in the Secret Room.  The Ogre moved away from the doorway and light till he could not be seen.  Chris decided to make a break for it and ran to get the chest.  Well the Ogre saw this and charged Chris.  With one mighty swing of his great club Chris was smashed against a pillar and knocked unconscious.  The rest of the party ran into the room and headed to take on the Ogre.

The fight was very one-sided with the Ogre not able to connect with any of the fast moving targets.  He did clip Peep causing some minor damage but overall it was over in seconds.  Chris was revived while Peep searched the chest for traps and opened it.  Inside was a lot of worthless glass beads, brass candlesticks and flatware, 823 copper pieces, 46 silver pieces, and 3 gold pieces.  Who searched the Ogre's bed and found a cloak the radiated magic.  She knew right away what it was, it was a Cloak of Elvenkind.  She took the cloak and the party took a short rest before looking further.  While resting Sknott headed back upstairs (by the secret passage) to search the other rooms.

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