Friday, June 27, 2014

Temple of Elemental Evil Session 3

Chris - Oeridian Druid, Merc from Furyondy
Marshmallow - Warforged Paladin of St. Cuthbeth, Protector of Gran March
Peep Marsh - Oeridian Rogue, Spy for the Gran March
Sknott - Half-Orc Fighter, Blacksmith that is working in Hommlet
Who Hootsalot = Sylvan Druid, Guide from the Gran March
Heyiamnot - Dwarf Mage, Former Priest
Kurana - Dragonborn Cleric
Koro - High Elf Monk that use to be a Jester for the Verbobonc Court
Ishmael - Oeridian Fighter (Merc Soldier) sent to help with the clearing of the area
LBX-228 - Follower for Chris, Warforged.  It will not fight or anything but it will protect the horse and cart.

Well most of the group was still downstairs looking at through the Ogre's things, but Sknott had snuck upstairs to search the other rooms to make sure nothing was going to be getting behind them.  Using his darkvision he quickly moved through the area and was about to open a new door when voices and a bright light came from the north.

Ishmael and Koro had just arrived and was calling out for the others.  They saw the Half-Orc hiding in the shadows and were about to attack until they noticed that he wore the clothing of a soldier of Verbobonc.  They asked him if he needed help and Sknott replied, "Douse the DAM light you fools"

Ishmael and Koro decided that they needed the light and took it to search some of the other areas.  Sknott meanwhile opened the door and looked inside.  The room was an old meeting room that was mostly full of broken furniture.  Sknott stepped back and closed the door.  He then moved to the next door.  Ishmael and Koro headed by the trophy room and bedroom looking in both and seeing nothing.  They finally reached the doors at the end of the hall and opened them.  It was a large room that most likely held the men-at-arms of the moathouse.  Ishmael and Koro were about to leave when Koro's keen eyes picked up a chest hidden in some debris in the corner.  The looked around the room but saw nothing so they headed in…

Meanwhile down in the Ogre's room the rest of the party went to the two doors that were bared on the east and south sides of the room.  The party moved to the Southern door first and Chris pushed his ear against the door to listen.  He could hear nothing so he opened the door… well tried to, the door was stuck tight.  Who added her might but could not push it open, Kurana also joined in but the door resisted them all.  Finally Marshmallow ran into the door and it finally gave and slowly opened.  Inside were 2 humans and a badly beaten gnome.  They were supposed to be food for the Ogre they told the group and they looked scared.  The group gathered them up and brought them back to the Ogre room to show them he was dead.  Peep and Chris moved on to the door on the Eastern side.  They opened that no with no issues and saw that is had been greased not too long ago and looked like it was used a lot.  The room was a small storeroom with just odds and ends but nothing of value.  That is when the group heard screaming upstairs.

Well upstairs a lot happened at the same time.  First Sknott opened another door and found small bedroom.  It looked ransacked and mostly destroyed.  Koro and Ishmael had moved into their room and to the chest.  They opened the chest and found 33 cp, a scale mail tunic, a light crossbow and a case of 24 bolts.  While looking in the chest 2 large snakes fell on them and struck.  The snakes bit deeply and the strong poison overtook both men quickly.  Koro let out a scream before he fell and they both hit the ground hard.

Sknott moved quickly from his location to where the noise came from.  Everyone but Chris headed back to the secret stairs to head upstairs.  Marshmallow decided to take the rescued merchants up to LBX-228 so that he could take them back to Hommlet (using the secret stairway also).  Sknott made it into the room to see the site of Koro being swallowed by one of the snakes and Ishmael on the ground but not being eaten, yet.  Sknott slashed hard with his longsword and lunged a piercing stab with his shortsword into the snake eating Koro.  The snake was hurt bad and released Koro to deal with Sknott.  The other snake continue to try and eat Ishmael but was not really getting anywhere.  Sknott struck again but this time the snake on Ishmael.  The snake was cut badly and blood covered the ground.  Both snake concentrated on Sknott but could not hit him.  The others quickly joined in and added their weight to the attacks.  The snakes quickly fell and both Koro and Ishmael were revived.

Now what happened to Chris.  Well he decided to check the rooms downstairs and started searching.  He found a large chamber and some hidden doors behind some barrels and crates.  He also found a different set of stairs heading up.  He quickly ran up the stairs to help the others and found himself in the area where the rats nets was.  He moved around the corner to join the others.

Marshmallow dropped of the merchants off with LBX-228 and before she could head back to the group the gnome handed her a ring that would allow her to ask for aid from the gnomes in the area to help as needed.  LBX-228 headed back to town with the merchants and Marshmallow went to join the others.  Sknott and Heyiamnot went back to the other part of the moathouse and searched the room that was left along with the one open room.  When they opened the door to the room they saw a room that was full of destroyed items.  Most of them were very expensive and looked to be badly damaged but hard to tell with only their darkvision.  They did hear some noises and looked up to see lots of heat signatures on the celling.  They could not tell what they were but decided to leave the room alone and just close the door.  They headed to the back room and Sknott quickly saw some glittering in the room.  He headed right for it while Heyiamnot looked around the room for a trap.

Peep and the others were still with the dead snakes and searched the room for more treasure.  Peep found a bluge in the snakes belly and quickly cut it open.  Inside the snake was a large shield.  Not needing it for anything and not knowing what it did she held on to it and kept searching.  Yelling from Heyiamnot quickly got everyone attention and they headed to the location of the sounds.  Heyiamnot and Sknott were being attacked by more snakes.  Sknott was stuck hard by a snake and the poison overcame him.  He fell to the ground looking back.  Heyiamnot was struck in the neck by the snake.  The wound was deep and blood was pouring down his armor and clothing.  The only thing that saved him was his natural resistance against poison.  He quickly backed in the corner and called for help while striking at the snakes.

Again the fight was quick and the snakes deftly destroyed.  The party was looking very haggard and tired after all this fighting and searching so they decided to head back to the corner room to take a long rest and heal up.  They felt they needed it before the pushed any further.

OK I was surprised how well the snakes (Lvl 2 creatures) could attack when hidden.  The first group had a 22 on their stealth roll while the 2nd group had 20.  This made them very effective against the group.  Also with the group splitting up this helped to make the first round or 2 very effective against them.  Once the others appeared it was over in seconds.  So far the most effective threats have been the hoard of creatures (rats, snakes, spiders) over the Large Powerful creatures (Ogre).  I am giving XP to the people that are accomplishing the tasks so people have different levels of XP.  Right now the highest is Chris with 168 xp (about that much) while most are around 150 xp.  They need to get to 251xp to make level 2.

With such a large group I am having to add some more creatures and things to make the encounters balanced but overall it has been working well.  Everyone in the party has had to roll death saves and we are only in game 3.  Also the good mix of characters helps make the group effective in most situations.  Can't wait for next week and them finishing up the one room left in the moathouse and then back downstairs…

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Temple of Elemental Evil Session 2

Chris - Oeridian Druid, Merc from Furyondy
Marshmallow - Warforged Paladin of St. Cuthbeth, Protector of Gran March
Peep Marsh - Oeridian Rogue, Spy for the Gran March
Sknott - Half-Orc Fighter, Blacksmith that is working in Hommlet
Who Hootsalot = Sylvan Druid, Guide from the Gran March
Heyiamnot - Dwarf Mage, Former Priest
Kurana - Dragonborn Cleric
LBX-228 - Follower for Chris, Warforged.  It will not fight or anything but it will protect the horse and cart.

It was a long night with Marshmallow, and Who hearing some voices and people trying to get into the Square tower on the North East.  After a while thing quieted down and the rest of the group woke up.  While eating a breakfast of salted meats, dry bread and water the group saw a Dragonborn and a Warforged enter the area.  The Warforged was the protector of Chris and the Dragonborn, named Kurana, followed the Warforged to the moathouse and wanted to work with them to clean up the area.

The most party took some time searching the upper floors while Chris, with the help of Peep, unlocked the secret door and headed downstairs.  The stairs ended in a small chamber that did not seem to have seen much traffic.  Chris and Who searched the room while the rest of the group went to check out the area where they heard sounds like rats.  Heyiamnot, Kurana, and Sknott were investigating the area while Marshmallow, and Peep checked out some of the rooms.

Peep and her group found a Trophy Room with a few mangy pelts and a bedroom for the major domo of the moathouse.  In the bedroom they found a silver baton of unknown worth.  Chris and Who did not find anything in the secret room but could hear snoring coming from the West.  Sknott and his group found a set of stairs heading up but the 2nd floor had collapsed so no way to get up there.  They headed to the other location and found some stairs leading down.  This is where they disturbed a nest of giant rats that attacked them (13 in all).  The rest of the group headed back to help and after a long fight in tight conditions they were able to kill off all the rats and only suffer minor damage (except Heyiamnot who was taken down and failed 1 death save) (NOTE: Death Saves do not reset until a long rest).  Sknott found a gold ring and Kurana found enough oil to fill 10 flasks.

Peep headed downstairs with Chris, Who, Marshmallow, and Kurana to search the secret room.  Under all the eyes they found 2 secret doors (one to the West and one to the East).  Peep unlocked the Secret door to the West and Chris headed in (holding a torch for light).

The light illumanted the room and showed a chest in the room along with a pile of clothing that was being used as a bed.  On the "bed" was an Ogre, which was awake thanks to the light.  The Ogre talked to Chris and tried to get closer to him.  Chris kept backing up until he was back in the Secret Room.  The Ogre moved away from the doorway and light till he could not be seen.  Chris decided to make a break for it and ran to get the chest.  Well the Ogre saw this and charged Chris.  With one mighty swing of his great club Chris was smashed against a pillar and knocked unconscious.  The rest of the party ran into the room and headed to take on the Ogre.

The fight was very one-sided with the Ogre not able to connect with any of the fast moving targets.  He did clip Peep causing some minor damage but overall it was over in seconds.  Chris was revived while Peep searched the chest for traps and opened it.  Inside was a lot of worthless glass beads, brass candlesticks and flatware, 823 copper pieces, 46 silver pieces, and 3 gold pieces.  Who searched the Ogre's bed and found a cloak the radiated magic.  She knew right away what it was, it was a Cloak of Elvenkind.  She took the cloak and the party took a short rest before looking further.  While resting Sknott headed back upstairs (by the secret passage) to search the other rooms.

Cost to Build Housing or Fix Housing

Since the group is wanting to make a base for them to work from they are asking me about how much it would cost to fix things or make new buildings.  Here is some basic information:

Here are the options:
  1. Land in Hommlet and the surrounding area can be leased from Hommlet for 1gp a week.
  2. PCs could offer to protect Hommlet and the surrounding area to receive a free land grant.
  3. PCs could take over the Moathouse for free but they would have to defend it themselves against attack (this is if they did not want Hommlet to help out and protect the moat house when the PCs are gone… (which means they would be following the option #2))

Very few workers in Hommlet.  Only could recruit around 10 workers to work and they would be of Average skill.  Each PC would act as 2 workers but could not do anything else while working on the site.

More workers could be hired from Enstad (cost 20gp per worker for a week) (50 workers available) or from Verbobonc (cost 20gp per worker for a week) (200 workers available).  All of these workers would be of High Skill.

All workers are of Average Morale.

Hommlet is surrounded by great building materials.  Stone and Lime are located in the Kron Hills, Wood from the Welk Woods, Water from many streams and rivers in the area.  Very good place to build.

Hommlet is located in a Moderate weather zone (Similar to the Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee area).  It also is in the foothills of the Kron Hills and has large areas of farmland and good access to water.

Hommlet is mostly Grassland and Scrub.  Light Forest would be getting closer to the Welk Woods while Barren area would be more in the deep areas of the Kron Hills.  Some areas could be Swamp if near the river and more in the forest area.

Here are some average cost of a building near Hommlet with 10 workers and in the Scrub lands:
  1. Wooden Building (Wood, Thach, Mud) - Small (20'x20'), Medium(40'x20'), Large(60'x30') all single story (you can add more stories as needed.  Great are 2 stories minimum and 60'x30' each floor.  Grand are 3 stories minimum and 80'x40' each floor:
    1. Price: 66gp to 619gp
    2. Time:  1 week to 12 weeks
  2. Stone Building (Stone, Motor, Wood) - Same as Wooden Buildings
    1. Price: 3300gp to 31350gp
    2. Time: 10 weeks to 1year & 47weeks
  3. Tower Round (Stone, Motor, Wood) - All towers are 2 stories tall minimum but can be taller by adding more stories.  Small (20'x20'), Medium (40'x40'), Large (60'x60').  All walls are 10' thick.
    1. Price: 19800gp to 34650gp
    2. Time: 2years & 14weeks to 3years & 51weeks
  4. Tower Square (same as Tower Round)
    1. Price: 23100gp to 39600gp
    2. Time: 2years & 34weeks to 4years & 29weeks

Here is the cost to fix up the Moat House (Only Upper Area).  This would include, Kitchen, Large Square Tower, 5 Rooms, Receiving Hall, 1 Large Guest Room, 1 Barracks, General Clean up, Holes in main area patched.  Also this is using only 10 workers:
Price: 90,750gp
Time: 8years & 37weeks

Here is the cost to fix up the Moat House completely:
Price: 120,104gp
Time: 12years & 12weeks

Only have basic living in Moat House.  This would only include the Receiving Hall, Large Square Tower, Kitchen, Stairs Up and 2nd Floor (Tower):
Price: 56,100gp

Time: 5years & 27 weeks (need 55 workers to complete in 1 year, need all 200 workers from Verbobonc to complete in 7 weeks).

Maps we are using

Here are some of the Maps we are using for the area...

This is the main world map for Greyhawk

This is a closer view of the area around Kron Hills

Close up view of the area including the river that goes from Nulb to Hommlet

The Village of Hommlet

Picture of the Moathouse (Since they have not Searched the whole main area)

Temple of Elemental Evil Session 1

Chris - Oeridian Druid, Merc from Furyondy
Marshmallow - Warforged Paladin of St. Cuthbeth, Protector of Gran March
Peep Marsh - Oeridian Rogue, Spy for the Gran March
Sknott - Half-Orc Fighter, Blacksmith that is working in Hommlet
Who Hootsalot = Sylvan Druid, Guide from the Gran March
Heyiamnot - Dwarf Mage, Former Priest

Sknott Started off in the village of Hommlet.  He was the apprentice blacksmith for in town and was making 1gp a week in wages.  Heyiamnot was also in town, called here by the unknown horrors that were appearing in the countryside.  He got to the town before his wife but she should be joining them soon.

Peep, Chris, Marshmallow, and Who met with the Viscount of Verbobonc.  He told them of the Bandit attack on the roads near Verbobonc and on the way to Hommlet.  He requested that the adventures head to Hommlet and clear the roads of bandits so that the road are safe for merchants again (Verbobonc was suffering from a lack of goods from the south).  This group joined a caravan and headed to Hommlet

On the way to Hommlet the group was ambushed by 5 bandits as they were setting up for rest.  They were able to quickly defeat the bandits but took a few bumps and bruises.  The party made it to Hommlet and ran into the others.  They all headed to the Druid Grove and learned that creatures were attacking people in the countryside.  Also bandits were starting to assault the village which is why a small castle was being built to protect the village.  The Druid offered to create some books for them of the local plants and trees so they could harvest some spell components and such.  He also directed them to the mayor of the town to find out where the bandits were.

At the mayor's house they learned that bandits were attacking from the east and that the mayor would pay 10 gp per bandit killed up to 200 gp each character (so that was 1200gp max or 120 bandits).  The group headed to where the castle was being built and talk to Burne and Rufus.  They told them about a moathouse to the east that use to be a location for the Bandits,  they might be there again.  The group headed to the moathouse on foot and taking their time.  By the time they got to the moathouse it was starting to get dark and they quickly scouted the area not noticing any activity.  They found a break in the wall and tried to ford across the river to get to the other side.  Everyone but Heyiamnot and Chris made it across.  Chris was swept downriver but Heyiamnot, after being buffeted against the shore was able to make it to the rest of the group.

Chris took some more damage as he was slammed against the moathouse walls and finally found some solid footing to stop himself from being swept away.  Chris quickly got up and headed into a round tower that had a hole in it.  As he started in he quickly saw a huge spider and tossed some flaming acorns at it scoring twice.  This burnt up the spider's web and caused it to fall to the ground.  The spider quickly webbed Chris and got close to start attacking him next turn.

The rest of the party heard the noise and headed toward the tower.  Heyiamnot and Sknott quickly made it to the Tower while the others lagged behind.  Heyiamnot And Sknott Burst in to the tower to see the spider attacking Chris and after a javelin from Sknott And some powerful attacks from Heyiamnot And Chris the spider was no more.  The party was able to find some money and a large box that they kept.  The party then moved around the moathouse looking for anything.

Chris and Who found some footprints and were able to track them into a dark room.  Peep lit a torch and proceeded to search the room.  They found 2 passages and a narrow passage that they could hear the sound of rats coming from it.  They also found a large locked door.  Peep quickly picked the lock and Chris opened the door…

The room was full of bandits that were trying to gather up their things.  They quickly attacked and started hitting the group.  Marshmallow charged into the room and was surprised by 3 hidden attackers.  One of the critically hit Marshmallow and the others hit her hard taking her down to 1 hit point.  The group headed in and started taking out targets left and right but still with enough attacks the party started to fall.  First Chris fell and was healed by Marshmallow.  Marshmallow then fell and Heyiamnot took her spot on the front line.  Chris fell again (1 point away from death) and Heyiamnot right behind him.  Peep Then was taken down but Chris was healed back again.  The group finally defeated the enemy even though they were down to 1-3 HP left on the last 3 pcs.  After a short rest to bandage and let the others wake up the group started to search the room.  Peep found a chest while the others searched the corpses and collected the money from them.  Everyone split the treasure and the group barred the door to rest for the night.  Peep, Chris, and Who found a secret door hidden in the wall.  They set up people on watch and headed for a much needed rest.

Temple of Elemental Evil Players

Temple of Elemental Evil Players
Work in progress.  I will update

Peep Marsh
Oeridian (Human)
Spy from the Gran Marsh that is observing the issues near Verbobonc
Works for Lady Marsh and is her Protector (Soldier)
Who Hootsalot
Sylvan (Wood Elf)
From the Dim Forest near Gran Marsh she is a scout/guide that was sent to help guide people though the area.
Mountain Dwarf
From up north (Corusk Mountains), he has been following tales of strange monsters and has come to Hommlet to learn more
Cleric of Pelor.  He was kicked out of his parish for being a drunkard and is trying to get back into the church's good graces
Retired Soldier that is working as a Blacksmith in Hommlet.  He joined the party to help stop the Bandits in the area
Oeridian (Human)
Soldier from near Verbobonc that was hired to stamp out Bandits in the area.
High Elf
Jester from the courts of Verbobonc that is hiding out in Hommlet.  He joined the party to earn some money and escape from the Count
A jack of all trades soldier that was sent with Chris to stamp out Bandits in the area
Mountain Dwarf
Cleric of Mordin.  He was hired by the Parish of St. Cuthbert in Hommlet to help purge the area of evil.

Temple of Elemental Evil Game Setup Houserules

Temple of Elemental Evil Setup Rules (House rules)

Anything in RED is not allowed (I.e. for evil creatures).  Just here for reference

  • Races straight from 5e - Dwarf, Halfling, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Gnome
  • Dragonborn from below.  Always 1 Human parent.
    • Only Metallic Colors (Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper or Brass)
    • Evil Dragons are Chromatic (Blue, Black, Red, Green, White)
  • Warforged are available only if a different character plays an Oeridian
  • Elf from below.  Name in () tell you what 5e type they are.
    • High (High)
    • Grey (High)
    • Valley (High)
    • Aquatic (DEX +1, WIS +1, Speed: 30ft, Low-Light Vision, Sea Elf Training (Trident, Net), Keen Senses, Trance, Languages (Elvish, Common), Fey Ancestry, Swim: Swim speed is 40ft; Aquatic: Breath Underwater, Resist Cold)
    • Sylvan (Wood)
    • Grugach (Wood)
    • Drow (Straight from 5e)
  • Kender, Tiefling do not exist in this realm.
  • Human from below.  Do not use Human stats in book
    • All Humans get:
      • 1 Free Language
      • 30ft Speed
      • Normal Vision
    • Suloise (Pale Skin, Violet, Grey or Blue Eyes, Wispy Hair, Blond to Light Red Hair)
      • Northern - +2 WIS, +2 CON, Resistance to Cold
      • Duchy of Urnst - +2 DEX, +1 WIS, 1 Cleric Cantrip, ADV vs. Spell Saves
    • Flannae (Brown Skin, Coppery to Deep Brown Eyes, Black to Brown Wavy/Curly Hair)
      •  +2 WIS, +1 CHA, 35 ft Move, ADV on Spot and Listen
    • Rhenee (Tan to Olive Skin, Black to Brown Hair, Any Color Eyes)
      • +2 CHA, +2 DEX, ADV on Stealth Checks
    • Baklunish (Golden Skin, Green or Grey-Green Eyes, Blue Black to Dark Brown Hair)
      • +2 INT, +1 DEX, 1Mage Cantrip, ADV vs. Spell Saves
    • Oeridian (Tan to Olive Skin, Honey Blond to Black Hair, Any Color Eyes)
      • +2 STR or +2 DEX, +1 CON, 1 Special from Below
        • +2 Non-Magical Weapon (+2 To Hit and +2 Damage)
        • Special Armor (Dragon Leather, Studded Dragon Leather, Dragon Scale, Splint, Banded)
        • Warforged Ally and +1 Non-Magical Weapon

  • All classes are OK
  • Monks and Barbarians are rare
  • Spell Components cost 1gp for a day's supply (except for special components)
  • Mages can be a student under one of the great wizards of Greyhawk (Circle of Eight).  If they are then they get access to extra spells.  These Wizards are:
    • Bigby - Former apprentice of Mordenkainen and member of the Circle of Eight.  Lives in Scant (capital of Onnwal).  Spells mostly create hands to do things.
    • Drawmij - Member of the Circle of Eight.  Lives in an underwater fortress beneath the Azure Sea.  Spells mostly involve movement or carrying things.
    • Mordenkaninen - Leader of the Circle of Eight.  Lives in Greyhawk City. Lots of Protection and Defense Spells.
    • Nystul - Member of the Circle of Eight.  Lives in Redspan in the Duchy of Tenh.  Spells mostly light type spells (beams, bursts).
    • Otiluke - Member of the Circle of Eight.  Lives in Greyhawk City.  Spells mostly contain Spheres of Elemental Forces
    • Otto - Member of the Circle of Eight.  Lives in Greyhawk City. Mostly Charm and Sound Spells
    • Rary - Member of the Circle of Eight.  Lives in Lopolla the capital of Ket.  Spells strengthen the mind and other spells.
    • Tenser - Member of the Circle of Eight.  Lives in the Fortress of Unknown Depths near Magepoint.  Most famous for his Floating Disc and Transformation he is more a Jack of all Trades wizard.

  • Pick a background.  The Skills are added to your class skills
  • Backgrounds that are restricted (need a good backstory to get them)
    • Jester - Why were you released from the Noble family you were a Jester for?
    • Noble - Why would you be traveling the countryside.  What about your duties?
    • Priest - Why are you not with a temple to do your work?
    • Soldier - Why are you not working for the military that trained you?

  • All Deities need to be from Greyhawk Book (L- Lawful, C- Chaotic, N- Neutral, G- Good, E- Evil)
  • Old Faith is Beory, Obad-Hai, Ehlonna, Moradin, Corellon Larethian, Kord
  • New Faith is Boccob, Pelor, Saint Cuthbert, Procan, Lendor, Rao
Greater deities:
  • Beory, (N) goddess of the Oerth, Nature, and Rain.
  • Boccob, (N) god of Magic, Arcane Knowledge, Balance, and Foresight.
  • Corellon Larethian, (CG) god of Elves, Magic, Music, Arts, Crafts, Poetry, and Warfare.
  • Incabulos, (NE) god of Plagues, Sickness, Famine, Nightmares, Drought, and Disasters.
  • Io, (N) god of Dragonkind, Balance, and Peace.
  • Istus, (N) goddess of Fate, Destiny, Divination, Future, and Honesty.
  • Kord, (CG) god of Athletics, Sports, Brawling, Strength, and Courage.
  • Lendor, (LN) god of Time, Tedium, Patience, and Study.
  • Moradin, (LG) god of Dwarves, Creation, Smithing, Protection, Metalcraft, and Stonework.
  • Nerull, (NE) god of Death, Darkness, Murder, and the Underworld.
  • Pelor, (NG) god of the Sun, Light, Strength, and Healing.
  • Procan, (CN) god of Seas, Sea Life, Salt, Sea Weather, and Navigation.
  • Rao, (LG) god of Peace, Reason and Serenity.
  • Tharizdun, (CE) god of Eternal Darkness, Decay, Entropy, Malign Knowledge, and Insanity.
  • Ulaa, (LG) goddess of Hills, Mountains, and Gemstones.
  • Wee Jas, (LN) goddess of Magic, Death, Vanity, and Law.
  • Zilchus, (LN) god of Power, Prestige, Money, Business, and Influence.
Lesser deities:
  • Allitur, (LG) god of Ethics and Propriety.
  • Atroa, (NG) goddess of Spring, East Wind, and Renewal.
  • Beltar, (CE) goddess of Malice, Caves, and Pits.
  • Berei, (NG) goddess of Home, Family, and Agriculture.
  • Bleredd, (CN) god of Metal, Mines, and Smiths.
  • Bralm, (LN) goddess of Insects and Industriousness.
  • Celestian, (NG) god of Stars, Space and Wanderers.
  • Delleb, (LG) god of Reason, Intellect, and Study.
  • Ehlonna, (NG) goddess of Forests, Woodlands, Flora and Fauna, and Fertility.
  • Erythnul, (CE) god of Hate, Envy, Malice, Panic, Ugliness, and Slaughter.
  • Fharlanghn, (NG) god of Horizons, Distance, Travel, and Roads
  • Fortubo, (LG) god of Stone, Metals, Mountains, and Guardianship.
  • Garl Glittergold, (NG) god of Gnomes, Protection, Humor, Trickery, Gemcutting, and Smithing.
  • Geshtai, (N) goddess of Lakes, Rivers, Wells, and Streams.
  • Gruumsh, (CE) god of Orcs, Conquest, Survival, Strength, and Territory.
  • Heironeous, (LG) god of Chivalry, Justice, Honor, War, Daring, and Valor.
  • Hextor, (LE) god of War, Discord, Massacres, Conflict, Fitness, and Tyranny.
  • Joramy, (NG) goddess of Fire, Volcanoes, Wrath, Anger, and Quarrels.
  • Kurell, (CN) god of Jealousy, Revenge, and Theft.
  • Lirr, (CG) goddess of Prose, Poetry, Literature, and Art.
  • Llerg, (CN) god of Beasts and Strength.
  • Lolth, (CE) goddess of Drow, Spiders, Evil, Darkness, and Chaos.
  • Lydia, (NG) goddess of Music, Knowledge, and Daylight.
  • Myhriss, (NG) goddess of Love, Romance, and Beauty.
  • Norebo, (CN) god of Luck, Gambling, and Risks.
  • Obad-Hai, (N) god of Nature, Woodlands, Freedom, Hunting, and Beasts.
  • Olidammara, (CN) god of Music, Revels, Wine, Rogues, Humor, and Tricks.
  • Phaulkon, (CG) god of the Air, Wind, Clouds, Birds and Archery.
  • Pholtus, (LG) god of Light, Resolution, Law, and Order.
  • Phyton, (CG) god of Nature, Beauty, and Farming.
  • Pyremius, (NE) god of Fire, Poison, and Murder.
  • Ralishaz, (CE) god of Chance, Ill Luck, Misfortune, and Insanity.
  • Raxivort, (CE) god of Xvarts, Rats, Wererats, and Bats.
  • Saint Cuthbert, (LG) god of Common Sense, Wisdom, Zeal, Honesty, Truth, and Discipline.
  • Sehanine Moonbow, (CN) goddess of Mysticism, Dreams, Far Journeys, Death, Full Moons, and Transcendence, Elvish Goddess.
  • Sotillion, (CG) goddess of Summer, South Wind, Ease, and Comfort.
  • Syrul, (NE) goddess of Lies, Deceit, Treachery, and False Promises.
  • Telchur, (CN) god of Winter, Cold, and the North Wind.
  • Tiamat, (LE) goddess of Evil Dragons, Conquest, and Greed.
  • Trithereon, (CG) god of Individuality, Liberty, Retribution, and Self-Defense.
  • Velnius, (NG) god of the Sky and Weather.
  • Wenta, (CG) goddess of Autumn, West Wind, Harvest, and Brewing.
  • Xan Yae, (N) goddess of Twilight, Shadows, Stealth, and Mental Power. 
  • Xerbo, (N) god of the Sea, Sailing, Money, and Business.
  • Yondalla, (LG) goddess of Halflings, Protection, Fertility, Children, Security, Leadership, Diplomacy, Wisdom, the Cycle of Life, Creation, Family and Familial Love, Tradition, Community, Harmony, and Prosperity.
  • Zodal, (NG) god of Mercy, Hope, and Benevolence.
  • Iuz, (CE) god of Deceit, Pain, Oppression, and Evil.
  • Rudd, (CN) goddess of Chance, Good Luck, and Skill.
  • Wastri, (LE) god of Amphibians, Bigotry, and Self-Deception.
  • Zagyg, (CN) god of Humor, Eccentricity, Occult Lore, and Unpredictability.
  • Zuoken, (N) god of Physical and Mental Mastery.

  • Only Good or Neutral.  Can be Lawful, Neutral or Chaotic.

Time of Actions

  • In Combat
    • Round takes 6 seconds
    • 1 min spells last 10 rounds
    • 10 min spells last 60 rounds
  • Outside Combat
    • Each action is 5 min unless told by the GM that they are being sneaky or doing multiple things at the same time
    • Searching Action is 15 min.  If you spend 30 min you get ADV on roll
    • Sneaky Action is 10 min
    • Spot and Listen are 1 Round (6sec) and can be done while doing other things.  If you take 5 min and everyone is quiet then you get ADV on Listen checks
    • Opening Doors is 1 Round (6sec) unless you are trying to be quiet.  Then it will be 1 min
    • On most checks you can double the time for ADV
  • Travel Time Villages
    • 20ft is 1 SQ
    • 300ft a min is average characters walking speed
  • Travel Time Hex
    • Each Hex is 30 miles on large Map
    • Small Maps use scale on them
    • Character Speed in miles a day
    • Pace Per Hour (Fast 3 miles, Moderate 2 miles, Slow 1 mile)
    • Avg Character can walk 30 miles a day
    • Avg Character can force march 60 miles a day
    • Horses can travel 60 miles a day
    • Difficult Terrain will half miles a day
  • Short Rest takes 15 min
  • Long Rest takes 8 hours (some races might not need 8)
  • You can only take one Long Rest every 8 hours