Friday, July 4, 2014

Temple of Elemental Evil Session 4

Chris - Oeridian Druid, Merc from Furyondy
Marshmallow - Warforged Paladin of St. Cuthbeth, Protector of Gran March
Peep Marsh - Oeridian Rogue, Spy for the Gran March
Sknott - Half-Orc Fighter, Blacksmith that is working in Hommlet
Who Hootsalot = Sylvan Druid, Guide from the Gran March
Heyiamnot - Dwarf Mage, Former Priest
Kurana - Dragonborn Cleric
Koro - High Elf Monk that use to be a Jester for the Verbobonc Court
Ishmael - Oeridian Fighter (Merc Soldier) sent to help with the clearing of the area
LBX-228 - Follower for Chris, Warforged.  It will not fight or anything but it will protect the horse and cart.

The group started with everyone waking up from a long rest barred up again in the one "safe" room.  This time they did not hear anything and everyone had a good night rest.  LBX-228 had left the area and went back to town with the freed merchants.  Koro decided to sleep in (player told me he was going to be late) so the others decided to clear out the first floor.

Since there was 3 rooms that still need to be searched and 1 room that was not even open the party split up.  Everyone that needed light went with together to search the rooms that were already checked while the two people with Darkvision went to the one closed room….

The main party (Chris, Marshmallow, Peep, Who, Kurana, and Ishmael) headed to the 3 rooms.  Peep, Marshmallow, Who and Kurana searched the conference room and a bedroom.  Both were very poor searches and they did not find anything new.  Chris and Ishmael were together to check out the room that Sknott and Heyiamnot said they heard noises.  Chris ready his weapon for an attack while Ishmael opened the door and stuck his torch arm in the room.  This cause the bats in the room to go nuts and start to fly though the door and into the hall while others flew outside.  Chris was prepared but the bats startled him so much that he swung his sword and cleaved into Ishmael and not the bats.  Chris then cast a healing word on Ishmael before they started searching.

Sknott and Heyiamnot opened the last room and found a kitchen.  They also, with a natural 20 and a 19, found the room contained 3 giant ticks feasting on the food in the kitchen.  They decided to setup a trap and baited the ticks to come after them.  They did this with Sknott attacking one tick and with a Critical Hit and a nice stab killed it with one shot.  They both stood by a door and hoped to fight the ticks one at a time.

The sound of battle drew the others to the Kitchen and the all ran by the main entrance.  One by one they ran by the main entrance and it was not till Who ran by did they notice a group of Bandits heading to the moathouse from the drawbridge.  It looked like reinforcements for the moathouse but they had not seen the group yet.  Heyiamnot and Sknott where doing well and beating on the ticks.  The ticks could not hit either one of them so it was just a drawn out fight.  Ishmael used his longbow to shoot the ticks while the others attacked in melee.

Marshmallow, Peep, Kurana and Who ran through the main entrance and at the bandits.  Marshmallow struck hard and quickly took down a bandit.  The others added their strength and quickly the battle went the hero's way.  After the ticks and the Bandits all fell the last room was checked over and the group decided to take a short rest and then finally head downstairs.

Sknott and Heyiamnot headed down the secret staircase while the others headed down the main staircase.  Sknott and Heyiamnot did not run into anything and moved though the rooms heading back toward the main staircase.  The rest of the group slowly moved down the main staircase looking for more trouble.

It was with the quick hands and keen eyes of Peep that the party was saved.  She saw a sheet of green slime on the celling that was being used to trap people coming down the stairs.  You had to walk in a single file line down the right side or the green slime would fall on you.  Peep had stopped Chris from stepping into the green slime and most likely saved him from a horrible, painful encounter.

Once the group got downstairs they searched and found 2 hidden doors.  Peep unlocked the doors and inside was large amounts of weapons, armor, and shields.  Also a lot of cloaks were also in the rooms.  While this was going on Chris, Sknott and Heyiamnot headed down a different corridor and found a torture chamber.  While investigating the torture chamber zombie came around the corner and attacked.  The rest of the team joined in and the first 2 zombies died quickly.  Zombies started breaking out hidden alcoves and started attacking everyone, 24 Zombies in total.  Koro joined in with the group and added his fists of fury into the battle punching the head off a zombie.  The group was still quickly overwhelmed causing Heyiamnot and Peep to go down and many others become bloodied.  The group was able to save Heyiamnot and Peep before they suffered any more damage and defeated the zombies.

After that they group searched the torture chamber and the alcoves.  Peep found a really nice gem while Chris found a secret door with a ladder heading down in a pillar.  The group decided to take a short rest and to prepare to head down the ladder deeper into the moathouse.  What will they find at the end of the ladder?  What other surprise will be in the moathouse?


  1. Hi hi just saw the DnD 5e starter set. Haven't decided if I want it yet. How about you?

  2. Yea I am going to get it so I can get some of the rules and the adventure. Now what I am really worried is that it looks like the races changed a lot. Not sure how we will mesh that with ToEE or just keep with what we have.
