Thursday, July 24, 2014

Temple of Elemental Evil Session 7

Chris - Oeridian Druid, Merc from Furyondy
Marshmallow - Warforged Paladin of St. Cuthbeth, Protector of Gran March
Peep Marsh - Oeridian Rogue, Spy for the Gran March
Who Hootsalot = Sylvan Druid, Guide from the Gran March
Kurana - Dragonborn Cleric
Anderron - Dwarf Cleric of Mordin looking to help the Church of St. Cuthbeth in Hommlet to push back the evil
Ardeshir Roshani - Apprentice to the Circle of Eight Mordenkainen.  Looking to gain more magical power.

LBX-228 - Follower for Chris, Warforged.  It will not fight or anything but it will protect the horse and cart.

After a good rest and training in Hommel the group traveled with the merchants back to Verbobonc.  While they were traveling on the road, Peep and Who kept hearing odd sounds from the forests.  Peep was able to pick out a bandit in the forest but he seemed to be watching and not attacking.  Everyone was on high alert while the group got the caravan about a quarter of the way.  At that point they met another caravan and the merchants joined with them the rest of the way.  The group told the other caravan about the bandits following them and a wizard named Ardeshir joined them.  He wanted to get some more money and also maybe find some new spell scrolls to learn.

The merchants said they would be sending more payment for this help and would be able to sell goods to the group when they got back to Hommlet.  The group then decided to head though the woods back toward the moathouse.  Peep decided to start hiding in the woods and shadow the group looking for the bandits.  Who was leading the group through the forest and spotting a lot of tracks.  The group moved slowly and kept its eyes opened but saw nothing.

As Who passed a tree a 'twang' of a string was heard and a crossbow bolt headed right for Who's head.  She could not get out of the way and it looked like she might be taken down by the Crossbow bolt but suddenly a hand reached out and caught the bolt in midair.  Peep had appeared saving Who and pointing out where the bandits were.  Peep then did something amazing as she took the bolt and threw it back at the shooter at long range to her.  Her accuracy was so good that the bolt went through the eye of the bandit killing him instantly (roll 2d20 and take the lowest but when the lowest is a natural 20 then that bandit is dead).  The rest of the party attacked as the bandits tried to run away.  Who shot at one with her longbow and hit him in the back killing him.  Ardeshir showed off some magic and froze the bandit, slowing him down but not killing him.  Kurana then cast Sacred Flame and the bandit burst in flames and dust.  After searching the bandit the found a scroll mentioning a new group of adventures that were causing problems in the area.  It warned them to be careful and to increase forces to take them out.

The group took this knowledge and headed the rest of the way to the moat house.  When they got to the moat house they took their time moving into the moat house.  Chris though he saw something in the tower were the spider was and tossed some fire seeds into the tower.  It looked like one connected and the others slowly moved into the courtyard and checked the small tower.  Inside it was clear except for a dead rat (normal rat).  The party also noticed that the tower had be used since they had left.  Anderron said to look for secret passages and they searched but found nothing.  Durning the time Who and Marshmallow decided to check on the room they had been staying and the secret passage.  Both (without dark vision ran up the stairs and into the dark room almost all the way to the door (Who made it to the door thanks to her wood elf speed).  Anderron told them to let him check it out because of his ability to see in the dark but they did not listen.  Ardeshir then put a light spell on his wand and followed behind the others but staying at the entrance of the main room.  What he saw drained the blood from his face.

In the room was 4 goblins and 2 Ogres.  They were surprised by the two people running by them and gathered their weapons before the others appeared with light.  Peep took advantage of this lapse and moved next to the Ogre and with a quick double strike did a massive amount of damage (19).  She then using her new skills slipped away past the entrance to avoid the counter attack.  The Ogres attacked at that point hitting Who with a large boulder crushing her (downed to -5 so Death Save time).  The other Ogre moved into contact with Marshmallow and smacked her hard with his club but Marshmallow's shield deflected most of the attack leaving her rattled (rolled minimal damage).  Ardeshir yelled out to Marshmallow to move behind him as Who seemed to move a little under the boulder (1 Save).  Marshmallow quickly moved behind Ardeshir and took a breather.  Ardeshir ran forward and slammed his foot on the ground while yelling causing a thunderwave to explode out from him in such a loud explosion that could be heard for yards.  The wave picked up all the goblins and slammed them into the walls killing them all.  The Ogres where blasted but not hurt very much.  The rest of the group started to head to the battle but could not get close enough.  Anderron tried to cast sacred flame but the spell could not penetrate the keep.  The Ogres again attacked one threw a boulder at Marshmallow but missed.  The other attacked Ardeshir smashing him in the ground (-1 hp uncon).  Peep and Marshmallow ran back into the fight and hurt one of the Ogres bad blooding him.  The others started attacking the blooding Ogre and hurt him bad knocking him down to one knee but he was still up.  The boulder on Who was still crushing her and was slowing down (Failed Save).  Kurana healed Ardeshir and he cast shocking grasp on the Ogre (from the ground) killing him.  At this time a door opened and 4 bandits came out of the door.  They started shooting everyone with crossbows hitting Peep, Anderron, and blooding Chris.  The group quickly attacked the Bandits and the other Ogre.  Peep killed a bandit, Kurana breathed on 2 bandits killing them.  The Ogre took a ton of damage but was still alive.  Who stopped moving and looked at the edge of death (2nd Failed Save).  Marshmallow moved over to heal Who and healed her to full health.  Peep was getting ready to attack the Ogre but was stabbed 3 times in the back knocking her down to her knee and almost killing her (down to 2 hp).

5 more bandits were attacking and hurting the group badly.  The party first took down the Ogre before focusing on the bandits.  The bandit leader was next to go down with multiple attacks and finally were able to take out the rest of the bandits.  The party was very badly hurt and used up almost all their healing and a lot of their hit dice as they rested and searched the bodies.  They party found a lot of silver, some gold and a scroll with the same message that they saw before.  Someone was watching them and it looks like they will have to be on their guard for more attacks…

DM Notes:  So it was a good battle and the party is noticing that they are being watched.  It looks like they will be having some very tough fights coming up.  Also now they are going back downstairs they will have to find some safe places to rest or they will be running out of spells.

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