Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Temple of Elemental Evil Session 6

DM Notes:  Great news we had even more people, bad news is that we now need more DMs.  Right now someone stepped up to DM but still having tables with 6-8 players is slowing things down.  This week my group was selling all the goods back in Hommlet and learning more about things happening in town.

Chris - Oeridian Druid (1) and now Rogue (1) trained by Peep, Merc from Furyondy
Marshmallow - Warforged Paladin (2) of St. Cuthbeth, Protector of Gran March
Who Hootsalot = Sylvan Druid (2), Guide from the Gran March
Kurana - Dragonborn Cleric (2), Priest kicked out of order for being drunk
LBX-228 - Follower for Chris, Warforged.  It will not fight or anything but it will protect the horse and cart.

Anderron and Heyiamnot set off to fight some more monsters and meet up with a friend while Peep snuck away to get training and to report back to the Gran Marsh on what is going on.

So back in town the group split up to try and sell the good.  Marshmallow and Kurana headed to the Elder's house to turn in the bandit that they already killed (15) (Also Kurana said he would "sell" the kegs of brandy.  The Elder was ecstatic and handed over the 150 GP for their work.  They also told him about the zombies and ghouls they found.  He was disturbed by this and asked them to continue to clear out the Moat House.

Chris headed to the Blacksmith to sell some weapons and items he had.  Chris was very nice and was getting a good price from the Blacksmith.  He wanted to get more so he cast charm person on the blacksmith and got the smith to take all the Battle Axes, and Spears for a great price (50 GP total).  He left with a full pouch and ran into Marshmallow and Kurana as they were heading to catch up with Who.  They told Chris that the deal is still on for the Bandits and they need to clear out the Moat House.

Who had moved to the far side of town and to the Trading Post.  This was a large building with lots of odds and ends.  Who also noticed with her keen eyes that a lot of men-at-arms were around that they could hire if they needed.  Who met with Rannos Davl the portly owner of the Trading Post.  He was happy to deal with Who and gave her a fair price on the items.  Who was able to sell the crossbow, bolts, ring mail armor, leather armor, and shields with no issues.  She then brought out the cloaks the party found and tried to sell them.  Rannos was not so sure about the cloaks and what the symbol was but offered a silver piece for each cloak.  Who tried to persuade him but could not get a better price.  So Who sold everything and then decided to look around the store.  Rannos called over his servant Gremag and handing over the items while whispering something to him.  She found an dust covered shelf that had a lot of unique things on it.  She cleaned off one of the bottles and recognized it as a Potion of Healing.  She also found some Amulets and was not sure about them.

The rest of the party made it to the Trading Post and tried to sell the other stuff they had.  Chris sold some personal items for a little money and tried to buy some thieves tools.  Kurana sold only 1 Keg of Brandy and also sold the Bolts of Cloth and Silver Serving Set for some good money.  Marshmallow headed over to Who and Who showed her the Amulet she found.  Who was able to learn that it was an Amulet of Cairn Hills.  It was a powerful magic item to protect you against the effects of the Undead.  There was 4 potions and 3 amulets available.  The party tried to buy the items but the potions were being sold for 75 GP each and the amulets for 400 GP each.  Chris was able to talk him down to 250 GP for an Amulet and some Thieves' Tools but still could not afford the items.  Finally Chris just got a set of Tools for 50 GP and they left the Trading Post with a full purse and heading to the Moneychanger.

The Moneychanger was happy to have some adventures in town.  He was glad to exchange their money for some Platinum pieces for a small fee.  The party could not talk him out of the fee so they paid.  The gave him 2847 CP, 116 SP, 659 GP and had it converted to 63 PP (a lot lighter to carry… the CP weighed 47lbs by itself).  The party then headed to the Teamster in town to talk to the Merchants they saved from the Moat House.  The merchants were very happy to see the party and quickly bought anything they had on them for a higher price (more in thanks for saving them).  They bought the Glaives and Halberds for 100 GP and asked the group to help them on the road back to Verbobonc. 

The party asked the merchants about how they were captured.  The merchants talked about that they made it to Hommlet with no issue.  The had sold a lot of items to the town and resupplied the Tailor, Blacksmith, Tanner, Inns and Trading Post with goods.  The also picked up some bolts of fine cloth, a silver serving set, lots of food goods, and leather armor to take back to Verbobonc to sell.  Once they were about 5 miles away from the town they were quickly ambushed.  The Bandits seemed to know exactly what they had and even found the silver serving set that they had hidden.  They were then hooded and dragged to the Moat House to be a meal for the Ogre.  The party was surprise by this news and decided that they would investigate this further in the future.  The party headed to the Inn for a nice sleep and then to get training (1 week worth of time) before heading back out to the Moat House and to protect the merchants on their way to Verbobonc.

DM Notes: Next week the group will be back on the road and there will be a lot more fighting.  Also since we ended a little earlier I want to give people a taste of what was happening at the other table….

At the other table the group was clearing out the top floor of the Moat House.  They had cleared most of it and were down to 2 rooms and some stairs.  Well 2 new people showed up at the Moat House and the other party though they were bandits and moved to attack them.  The Mage stayed his ground and said he was not but the Rogue flipped a coin and it came up tails so he turned tail and ran deeper into the moathouse.  He ran to a door they had not opened and quickly opened it.  He was bull rushed from behind and fell into a room that was full of bandits ready to ambush them.  It sounded like they were having a good time and it was a tough fight.

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